Depression and anxiety can often co-occur in patients, but either condition can be very challenging for both the patient and their families. Help is here. At My Place Pediatrics, we can diagnose and treat depression and/or anxiety from the comfort of your own home, wherever you live in Colorado.
Telehealth as a treatment benefit for Mental Health
With depression and related disorders, getting a child out of their home environment can sometimes be a challenge. Our telehealth system offers the benefit of confidentiality in a familiar environment, avoiding unnecessary triggers or hurdles. Transitions to new environments can also be unsettling or distressing for patients suffering from anxiety. That is another reason why the telehealth option is so excellent.
First, we can diagnose and treat the condition your child is experiencing. Then we can help them work their way back into the world with confidence and hope. If the need for mediation is indicated, we can prescribe and monitor appropriate and effective interventions.
Regardless of your child’s condition, if you live in a rural area, you’ll especially love the convenience of telehealth appointments—no more transportation costs or time spent on the commute. This is particularly helpful in areas where Colorado weather can make travel challenging.
Already diagnosed? We can prescribe, monitor, and manage your child’s medication needs. We can ensure your child continues to receive the necessary care to revive and thrive. See our Medical Diagnosis & Treatment page for more information.